I voted for Bernie Sanders on Tuesday, February 9 in the NH presidential primary. I had previously had a facebook page where I posted that I was running for president since April 20, 2013, the date of my first post>>>https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151385395476545&set=a.441830371544.200884.560751544&type=1&l=2783a27bd1&theater
Tuesday I knew I hadn't generated enough interest just from using facebook alone to be POTUS(President). I voted as a registered Democrat as I had remained. I want to be part of the Bernie Democratic Socialist Revolution. Vote for me for US Senator from NH on November 8, 2016.
I will work for the minimum wage to rise to $15 an hour
and for a "Minimum Wage Ahead" Law .
So workers can rent the newest apartments and buy homes as an Economic plan I'm proposing a Minimum Wage Ahead law so that wages will be increased every year to stay ahead of inflation. Remember the trillion dollar debt after the Vietnam war and the "wage and price controls" debates.
We should be financing our workers so they can rent the newest apartments, buy new cars and gadgets etc.
Rewarding workers, building workers every year. Our National Debt will go away in no time.
-Dan Farland for US Senate 2016
View many more of my views on the very important issues us Americans are facing today.
facebook page>>>
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